Release 0.0.7

Release 0.0.7 of Campy fixes multidimensional arrays and adds simple line/column debugging information to the generated code.

  • Implement line debugging of kernel code (4c15bda, b7). Note, there are bugs still in the implementation: it works only for straight line code, no branching (see bug entry). This will be fixed in the next release. Also, you will probably need to use the “Start CUDA debugging (legacy)” menu command of the NVIDIA Nsight debugger version 5.5. The “Next Gen” debugger works only in TCC mode. Looking forward to NVIDIA allowing for combined CPU/GPU debugging in the future. Make sure to follow the instructions for Nsight. Set breakpoints in your C# kernel code before you start.
  • Fixing 2D arrays (1284d27).
  • Fix “ceq” instruction code generation (75b990d, b9). In certain situations, the compiler would generate incorrect code.

The release is in You will need VS2017 15.4.5 and CUDA GPU Toolkit 9.1.45 installed on Windows. However, once developed, you only need the CUDA GPU Toolkit installed on the system that has the GPU card.

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